Monday, October 21, 2013

Thankful for Brilliance

Freshly home from a retreat of 8 heart-picked songwriters -- this the brilliant concept of Mr. Connor Garvey. Connor applied for and earned a grant from Club Passim and provided us with lodging and food for a multi-day experience as intensive and productive as any I've been a part of.  In the company of Connor, Sorcha Cribben-Merrill, Shannon Hawley, Jenna Lindbo, Heather Styka, Shannon Wurst and Brad Yoder there grew a fellowship that warmed and inspired and produced delightful new work -- solo and in collaboration.  Great thanks to Connor for this grand opportunity and to my fellow "cousins" for what just might be a lifetime of camaraderie from such a short and sweet experience.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Oh My It Flies

So I saw that my last post was in April.  Sheesh.  Since then my father died, I've been to the Netherlands, Scotland and England, and Star Island, I taught songwriting to amazing high school students, I've churned and fretted and written a number of songs and instrumental bits... So that's the update.  I may not be much of a blogger it seems.  Let's see how long it takes for me to write another entry shall we?  Shall I?  Sorry if I got your hopes up for volume, Dear Reader.  Sorry I feel sorry as much as I do -- force of habit.  Heading for Monhegan Island with Lizzie to perform with my great pal, Guy Capecelatro III.  His wife, dear Pam, will join us.  Then off to Nova Scotia with Liz.
Thought for today:  Listen to these people -- Susan Crowe, Cynthia Chatis, Mara Flynn, Licia Sky, Guy Capecelatro III... more to come.  Much love to you.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The World at 3:38 AM

I am awake and producing at 3:48 AM.  I can be awake at this hour on many nights/days but this time it's a particularly good thing.  I feel somewhat vibrant this morning.  I started reorganizing (aka "cleaning out giant piles of crap from") my studio at around 9:00 PM and I'm still rolling.  Thoughts for this morning:

1) I have a wonderful life.  There's plenty of challenge, believe you me, but when I take stock in all I have in the way of friendship and partnership and blessings of many other sorts, I feel lucky in huge ways.

2) I am as potent as I ever was.  I feel potent as a creator of art (music) and as a performer.  I can play things that I couldn't play at the age of 20, or 30 or 40... and I can write with a hard-won wisdom and humility that I didn't have before now.  I will fall off this high horse one day soon, for sure, but it's a good feeling in these wee hours of a day in April 2013.

It's 4:09 now.  I ought to consider slipping into bed with Lizzie and snagging an hour or two of rest.  Thanks for hanging in with me, Dear Reader.  You're the best.